Acne Coaching…what can I do for you?

If you have acne, I don’t need to tell you how frustrating it can be.  You try EVERY new product and treatment, hoping that, this time, it will somehow work.  You’ve spent $1,000’s on every possible cure, from dermatologists to “HOMEMADE” remedies, and everything in between.  You scour IG daily, just hoping to find something that will work for YOU.


Acne Coaching, at goddesslynneBODYandSKIN, just may be what you’re looking for.

Acne is NOT YOUR FAULT.  It is an inherited skin disease.  Of course, there are things you can do that will exacerbate acne, and there are ways to treat – but not cure – acne.  That’s how you can tell if a treatment provider is being honest with you.  Acne can be treated, not cured.

And, while we’re talking about people being honest, lets talk about some of the harsh and dangerous treatments out there.  Antibiotics and other oral medications may come at a huge “cost” to your system.  Long term antibiotic use may effect your digestion and immune system, and even cause “super bugs”.  Other prescription acne treatments might cause future intestinal problems such as IBS and Crohn’s Disease, not to mention the emotional symptoms.  I will NEVER interfere with any treatment you are receiving from your physician, and I cannot advise you on medical matters.  However, you must be off all topical prescription acne meds for 2 weeks before I can treat you, and you must be off Accutane for 12 months before I can provide professional treatments.  However, no matter what treatments you’re on or have received in the past, I can still improve your home care routine, and if you’re interested in improved home care I can help.

Acne Coaching

Why it’s different:  Acne coaching is 1 on 1.  Just you and me, figuring out what will work best for you.  Acne coaching supports you as a WHOLE PERSON.  We will look at your lifestyle, stress level, dietary intake, home care products and professional treatments.  As your coach, I will help you see the “missing links” in your treatment program, and address them.  I will make course corrections along the way, and keep encouraging you to get your skin clear!  Unlike many medical professionals, your appointment times are sufficient to answer your questions and address your concerns.

And, once your skin is clear, I’ll help you KEEP it clear, with simple home care recommendations and occasional professional treatments.

Now, acne coaching is not for the faint of heart – it is a rigorous program that requires your FULL COMMITMENT.  It works if you work it, but if you’re looking for a one-time treatment to “fix” your skin, this is probably not for you.  Your initial commitment is 90 days.  We will see each other every 2 weeks, this is non-negotiable.  You will use your products at home EXACTLY as instructed.  You will need to make some changes to your lifestyle and habits, and I may even ask you to research some supplements that are highly recommended.  In essence, I become the BOSS OF YOUR SKIN.

You will find that the investment is reasonable, I can go over all the costs with you at your consultation.

Most clients can get clear in 3-6 months, some people take longer.  90-95% of my clients, if they stick with it, will get clear.  Every now and then someone doesn’t – but they almost always experience SIGNIFICANT improvement.  All of this is covered in the consultation.

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